Saturday, May 17, 2008

Post Mahathir Era - or are we still in it

As my first posting for my blog dedicated to Malaysia's 4th PM, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, I want to briefly state, I am extremely dissapointed at Tun's arrogance towards the current Government. Tun never accepted criticisms towards his administration well - seems he is even more spiteful in retirement.
While he is entitled to his right to voice his opinions towards a Government and successor he himself installed, he does not acknowledge he disregarded the basic right of every Malaysian to voice their concerns when he was PM. What a hypocrite!
The recent allegations and investigations on Tun's involvement manipulating the judiciary, is only the tip of the ice-berg. While I believe Tun would have not any direct evidence of such events or decisions leading to him, he cannot deny the fact that Malaysia's legal system during his leadership lacked integrity and maturity.
Tun, even though you may escape being charged OR convicted of such allegations, you have made a mockery of the process and I hope the truth comes out of this investigation!
I will be regularly writing on this BLOGspot, and my theme will only be on TDM! Please criticise and comment as you see appropriate, as unlike TDM, I am a true believer of free speech. -Ravi

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