Friday, May 29, 2009

Chedet on Extremism - A guide to writing Comedy...

My response to Tun on his recent attempt at writing comedy...the man blows hard on his horn..problem is he "sucks" at it...


Nswamy couldn't have hit the nail more on the head, than to point out your own contribution to the poor state of Education in the country.

Language is to culture, what Knowledge is to confused both of this, and instilled a poor legacy in what today's Malaysian education was built on.

Yes, you can argue you did it on the basis of Nationalism - but what progress did it bring to the country?

Our higher education system is considered pale in comparison to what is being offered in Singapore, let alone the world.

And you have always been condescending to Singapore even though you got your degree from there.

And as for your blog in itself on the suject of Extremism - well sir, you were uncompromising in your authoritarian rule. You were every bit the extremist yourself. And I find it a joke that you'ld write about a subject matter in which you exemplify 100%.

I can't wait to hear the counter comments from your comedy "sidekicks" HBT and Jeng3...LOL


Friday, May 22, 2009

Chedet on Mahathirism...

Today Tun published another classic - this is what I term self-advertising...

Tun thinks the world and all his critics are against him...what he doesnt realise, is that he is his worst enemy...

He blames everyone else ...he blames Tun Abdullah for the state of the nation, blames the western press for the bad publicity he and Malaysia receives...blames all those crooked financial institutions for today's economic situation, probably blames his cook whenever he has indigestion...and you know what, probably blames me for the current Malaysian weather...

What Tun would not blame is on his lack of succession planning to leave a sustainable leadership pool, would not blame all his crooked political cronies who were self serving, will not blame but will bail out state sponsored companies for their poor financial management, wont blame himself for all the ill conceived planning that was carried out during his 22 years of administration.

Well, what can you tell when the man is full of himself?

Tun, all I have to say is this - as the expression goes "stop pointing, as four other fingers are pointing right back..."


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mahathir and Crooked Bridge #2

Tun Mahathir recently made a statement that he won’t influence Govt over bridge project...

His rationale for the bridge was the current congestion, and with 10 million cars on the road, for a 27 Million population, he argued that delaying the bridge could exercabate the congestion...

While I can understand the bridge rationale to your argument - you can't devoid yourself of the accountability you had in fastracking the number of cars on the road.

Your Proton philosophy easily contributed to this large number.

Again, to quote Albert Einstein - you can't solve a problem with the same thinking when you first created the problem...

so what if you made this bridge...what is your proposal to keep the number of cars (and reducing the carbon level in our air) without Proton and you enriching yourself further?


Monday, May 11, 2009

Why does TunMahathir keeps harping on his Crooked Bridge?

I can't think why Tun Mahathir is fixated in his crooked bridge. So I spent some weeks looking at various resources trying to see if there were some physchological reasons for his fixations...

I looked up the standard definitions for Crooked: These are what stood out.
- Marked by bends, curves, or angles.
The other meaning for the word is:

- Dishonest or unscrupulous; fraudulent.


I then looked at the word trying to see if it had some cryptic expansion to it...

One site suggested :

C curvy and conniving
R Rotten reasoning warped
O Outlandish way of thinking
O outrageous schemes to defraud
K kinky-always cooking kedgeree
E Easy way out- envious
D defiant and dangerous

Finally, if you read all of Tun's blogs, they sort of imply that he is one who is sincere and honest.

Well, Tun Mahathir, this reminds me of a Groucho Marx phrase - “There is one way to find out if a man is honest;
ask him! If he says yes you know he's crooked.”

I kinda guess Tun's been giving us undertones with his whole crooked bridge thing...
