Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mahathir - on Bar Council comments

TDM recently posted some clarification on some of the comments he made against the Bar Council, on the subject that he is against free speech, human rights etc.

At present TDM as he puts it, no longer in Government and is just a common citizen speaks passionately about the need for freedom of speech in Malaysia bla bla. However, when TDM was PM, there is no mistaking that he had a lock and bolt on any comments against his administration. He would deny it - vehemently. Fact remains, he knew how to censure any such comments so as to not make it public.

In response to his BLOG titled - THE MALAYSIAN BAR COUNCIL, Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at August 15, 2008 3:44 PM
I took my civil liberty to respond:

By rarunasalam on August 19, 2008 4:24 PM

is it not correct to state that for any sensitivities to remain, it's largely due to the segregation that is practised. While you may state there is no segregation in Malaysia and every Malaysian is provided equal rights - the fact remains the former Government under your leadership has not done much to bridge the gaps of the "purpoted" Malaysian society.

So, while you're critical of the Bar Council and give all these strong arguments in support of your sentiments, you need to ask yourself if you practised discrimination of any sort, and what you did to make Malaysia Harmonious.

Everytime any tensions arose, you used methods to deter the tension, but not look at root cause and address the concerns of the multiracial society.

Under your Governance and leadership, why did you not look at establishing and promoting true collaboration and racial cooperation. All throughout your time, you only used scare tactics instead of truly encouraging the muhibbah you preached.

There were terms used like Minority Malaysians under your administration - why did you not change the mindset that no Malaysian is a minority. We are all Malaysians be it whatever caste, creed or religion we belong to.
So why did you not set out a plan to have a truly integrated Malaysia and work on programmes that will involve collaboration - not segragation.

Why do we in the 21st Century need to have a Pro-Malay, Chinese and Indian party and use the word "coalition" just as lip-service, when we should look at truly uniting?

I'd like to hear your counter thoughts on the above comments sir?


In response to this, I did not hear any counter comments from TDM, but an ardent TDM fan did pose an interesting question (while trying to sound cheeky)

By millionaire on August 19, 2008 11:08 PM
Your english is good did you have to travel far and wide to learn this language or was it in town or whereever and there must only indian community type of place where you grew up that you so concerned about integration and muhibah and you blame TUN.
Give me one solution that you would have implemented if you were the prime minister of malaysia.just one.with regards of multi ratial ethnic.NOW.

I replied

By rarunasalam on August 20, 2008 10:59 AM

I could give you seven but you've asked for only one, so here's your one proposal. And it's a basic one. Education - abolish national type schools over a period of time, and interate all schooling into a Single Govenment endorsed programme.

I know this has been said time and again and there are a number of arguments, both for and against. However in my view, to achieve a true integrated Malaysia, you have to look at the foundation of all integration, SCHOOLING!

People in Malaysia don't like change (as with most of the world), but over time, they will understand the rationale for this change is motivated by ensuring all Malaysians, all walks of life get the same education offering.

And, for your information, I schooled in Public Schooling system in Malaysia all my life (including my Uni). My English is far from perfect (thanks for your patronising comments), and my math is scary if that is your next comment/question.

At no time I expected a handout. At no time I contemplated private education. At all times, I worked hard at achieving a high standard of work and work ethics, recognising I was in the minority group (so to speak). I had to put 120% effort to get my 80% outcome. And sir/madam, I grew up in the melting pot where Malaysians of all races reside - Bangsar. They don't come any more mixed-bag than that place. So please don't let fly judgemental comments as in your opener.

All I asked TDM was what did he effectively do to help in the integration of Malaysians other than just keep talking about it? And don't pull all those Merdeka celebrations of the past as examples. In my view, they were pure rhetorics!

TDM, I'd still like to hear your counter comments, unless you're only interested in responding to Bar Council, and not a fellow citizen of our great nation.


Well, I don't think TDM would for one admit his lack of ownership and responsibility for neglecting to truly integrate Malaysia and all Malaysians.

He will not admit to the scare tactics that he and his band of merry men employed just to keep Malaysia "harmonious".

TDM who was the longest serving Prime Minister neglected his basic responsibility - ensure the Malaysian RACE is one that is Integrated, not layered!



Demo jerr said...

respect to chedet...

Salam Kemerdekaan dari slumbeR@J@!

wanna exchange link? slumbeR@J@!

Adam Johari said...

Dear Ravi,

If I'm not mistaken, it was the non-bumis in Malaysia that requested that there be sets of schools that didn't use BM as their prime language; thus the creation of Chinese and Indian schools. That was back in the day during the infant stages of Malaysia though.

Don't get me wrong though, I have friends of different races as well and I think racial integration is very important.

As for TDM not entertaining your comments, he has hundreds of comments in his blog in every post, yours probably just got lost in between the many.


Ravi said...


as with any program, reevaluation and determining applicability is a must. In that case, maintaining national type vernacular schools in their present state does not benefit the general population. There is no economic evidence that students from such schooling largely progress and prosper. So, rather than maintain the program, integration into a single schooling system seems to be the only prefered choice. I am willing to stand corrected if there are clear statistics and evidence that a large number of students from such schooling system truly progress to becoming an independant and successful citizen of the country.
